Jan Peacock


https://janpeacock.net/wp-content/uploads/TOUCH-One-point-0.mov Touch 1.0, commenced in 2012, current version 8:02 minutes Touch 1.0 is an ongoing and additive compilation of low-res images of human hands making contact with animals, sourced from details of photos for sale on eBay.ca. New versions are produced for each public screening or private commission (Only public versions will appear here).  

play byplay

https://janpeacock.net/wp-content/uploads/Play_Byplay-r.mov play byplay, 2009/2013, 3:24 min looping video play byplay presents a binocular view, using footage from the artist’s Competence Archive, showing two European magpies passing a twig back and forth between them, until the twig falls to the ground. The footage is paired with an animation that isolates and traces the movement of the twig. play […]

NEWS from the In-Between

https://janpeacock.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/NEWS%20FROM%20THE%20IN-BETWEEN.mov News From the In-Between, 1981, 18:40 minutes Peacock’s conceptual video uses “radical displacement and endless car rides”—narrative, journal entries, weather reports, news broadcasts and repetition of text—to examine the fragility of personal memory. Typical sunny vacation photos are placed into a small pile of sand, followed by a chilly scene taken through a window, out […]